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Viva la Blu!

Finally, thank to Pantone's 2020 Color of the Year, a rich and lively marine blue called Classic Blue, has emerged from the world of fashion and home decor.

For may years I've been dismayed that navy and its brighter marine shades weren't utilized in fashion, since these shades are timeless, work well with most colors and enhance anyone who wears them. Instead, black has been ubiquitous. Black, though timeless, doesn't favor everyone, appearing harsh and heavy on many. On the other hand, the variations of navy, in addition to being timeless and attractive on all who choose to wear them, lend the wearer an aura of authority and dependability. No wonder it is often the go-to choice for uniforms.

The fashion-forward French have an enduring affinity for this deep marine 'blu.' Clad in their exquisitely tailored navy suits, French men consistently provide a refreshing and elegant contrast to their American brethren attired in dreary black.

In home decor, Classic Blue can serve as a grounding neutral against bright greens, yellows or oranges. When paired with white, it is classique!

I hope these deep blues stick around for a while. We need their classic, grounding, yet refreshing presence. Viva la blu!


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