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Color Cheer

Nevertheless, she persisted," rings in my head each time I gaze upon these modest blooms. They have persisted for over a month, offering me daily pleasure. This particular spray was the runt of the litter from a plump bouquet of dianthus (flower friends, that's what they are, right?). They were too short to submerge in a large vase so I placed them in this petite glass vase and set them on my bathroom windowsill. The two-foot long stems are long gone, yet this tiny spray persists.

Photo by Barbara Clare

I marvel at their tenacity and am reminded that even the tiniest bits of color can add joy to our days.

My dianthus spray seems to be imploring me, "Come on, B, keep spreading the JOY of COLOR to others. We need it now more than ever."

"Steal from the best." That's what artists do. They take an idea that's already been put out in the world and give their own unique spin on it. Today I'm stealing from the "best," my marvelous sister, Mig. She's a freelance Mac consultant and during these dark days, she's using her blog ( to uplift others by including writings, photos and videos that can comfort and cheer us now.

I've decided to "steal" her idea and create a COLOR CHEER Series with the intent to uplift us all. And I'm asking you to help me create it. How does COLOR CHEER you? Send me ( your color stories, photos, videos... and I will share them with the world. Please pass this on to your fellow COLOR LOVERs and SUBSCRIBE! to my blog so you receive my missives as soon as they are posted.

Your offering can be as simple as a tiny spray of magenta dianthus on a bathroom sill.


Mar 24, 2020

This color cheer series is a wonderful idea, Barbara! Color definitely makes all the difference as you describe so well with words and images on your site, blog, and Instagram account. Speaking of color, I'm currently working on a still life of an old bright red (one of my all-time favorite hues) cocktail dress with black polka dots I'll post when completed. In the meantime, keep spreading that color cheer!


Mar 24, 2020

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! What a great idea to get us all motivated to share beauty, color and more. I will definitely be sharing this with others as well as riffing off the ideas you have already shared Miss Barbara.


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